如果大家對P.S. I Love You這部電影或書不陌生的話,Cecelia Ahern就是這個故事的作者.身為她忠實的書迷的我,看到她推出聖誕節前的新書"The Gift",心癢癢很難抗拒不買回來讀,除了Amazon網路書局可訂購新的英文書籍外,在雅典也有幾家不錯的大書店有英文書販賣,不過太新的書不見得都會馬上在雅典的大書局出現.Cecelia Ahern在希臘因為電影P.S. I Love You出名,很多她的舊書都有希臘文版,新書當然更是不能錯過,所以在FNAC,Public及Evripidis (Εύριπίδης)都有賣她的英文新書,不過同本書,在這3間書店販售的價錢上,差異有點大,所以我在這買英文書籍時,都會多跑幾家看看再買.當然這邊的英文書售價比台灣貴些,有時候在amazon或台灣網路書局訂書,加上運費後都還比在希臘買便宜.
這本聖誕節前的新書,故事架構就是在聖誕節發生的事,看了一下新書的內文介紹,感覺還蠻有趣的.本想這幾天有空閒時,再來晃去Evripidis (Εύριπίδης)買這本書,沒想到上個周末,老公竟然買了這本書給我當做小禮物,一個意外的驚喜.書現在才開始讀,感覺跟以往Cecelia Ahern的書一樣很快就讓我陷入故事中深思.有機會在其它國家看到他這本書的朋友,可以買回家讀看看.
這本書的包裝很漂亮,果然是聖誕節的禮物,其實Cecelia Ahern的每本書都有很漂亮的封面,我很喜歡到不同的國家找她的書,看看封面造型,有些國家的封面跟我在台灣看到的不同,希臘文版的Cecelia Ahern封面也很不錯.想瞧瞧她的書有哪些漂亮的封面在世界各地出現,可到Cecelia Ahern的官方網站介紹的"封面部分"參觀喔. The Gift新書內文介紹 (引用書本的內容)
If you could wish for one gift this Christmas, what would it be?
Everyday Lou Suffern battled with the clock. He always had two places
to be at the same time. He always had two things to do at once. When
asleep he dreamed. In between dreams, he ran through the events of the
day while making plans for the next. When at home with his wife and
family, his mind was always someplace else.
On his way into work one early winter morning, Lou meets Gabe, a
homeless man sitting outside the office building. Intrigued by him and
on discovering that he could also be very useful to have around, Lou
gets Gabe a job in the post room.
But soon Lou begins to regret helping Gabe. His very presence unsettles
Lou and how does Gabe appear to be in two places at the same time?
As Christmas draws closer, Lou starts to understand the value of time.
He sees what is truly important in life yet at the same time he learns
the harshest lesson of all.
This is a story about people who not unlike parcels, hide secrets. They
cover themselves in layers until the right person unwraps them and
discovers what's inside.S ometimes you have to be unravelled in order
to find out who you really are. For Lou Suffern, that took time.
註 1: 她的第一本書P.S. I Love You的介紹,可參考舊文"好書推薦-p.s. I love you"
註 2: 新書"The Gift"可在網路上Amazon書店購買,目前網路上售價是£7.49
註 3: Cecelia Ahern的官方網站連結在這裡
註 4: 新書封面照片來自FantasticFiction